SOMESICS recognizes the trajectory and work of all its partners; For this reason, this recognition program has been created by professional peers in education, evaluation and research in simulation applied to health in Mexico.
The objective of this program is to generate a registry of simulation professionals in Mexico and offer a peer validation system of the experience and achievements obtained in the simulation area.
By obtaining a badge of recognition, the member will receive announcements, offers and exclusive information.
The partner will be able to participate in groups of experts focused on their area of expertise.
Receive peer validation of your experience and achievements in simulation and medical education.
By means of the QR code of your SOMESICS electronic credential you can share your "Simulation Experience Portfolio" with anyone ( more information about SOMESICS electronic credential )
General requirements:
1) Be a member of SOMESICS
2) Cover the specific criteria of each recognition.
3) There is no cost while you are a member of SOMESICS.
Available SOMESICS Recognition Badges:
A) Participation in specific simulation programs:
Program that has adopted the international code of ethics in simulation.
Program that develops pre-hospital simulation.
Undergraduate Simulation Program.
Graduate Simulation Program.
Hospital-based simulation program.
B) Achievements and experience:
Partner with experience and training in standardized patients.
Partner with experience and training in virtual simulation.
Associate with a postgraduate degree in the area of education.
Partner with experience and technical training in simulation.
Partner with experience as a speaker at academic simulation events outside of Mexico.
Partner with experience as a speaker at academic simulation events in Mexico.
Member with recognition of command of the English language.
Partner with experience and training as a simulation instructor.
Partner certified as Simulation Educator by SOMESICS or affiliated companies.
Partner with experience as an academic reviewer of activities or documents related to simulation.
Partner with experience as a researcher related to simulation.
C) Member of SOMESICS committees
Education Committee
Evaluation Committee
Clinical Integration Committee
Membership Committee
See the specific requirements of each recognition badge
If you want to be a reviewer or consider generating a new recognition badge, we invite you to contact us. ( Contact )