Promote the improvement of education and training of health professionals in the Mexican Republic, through specialized institutions in said discipline.
Exchange knowledge and technical, administrative and operational experiences with all kinds of agencies, dependencies or public or private organizations, directly or indirectly related to the teaching and professional training of human resources for health, either within the national territory or abroad.
Become a consultation body for government entities, universities and institutions directly or indirectly related to the teaching and professional training of human resources for health, whether national or foreign.
Promote, organize, encourage and in any way, participate in the programming, development and achievement of all kinds of acts whose purpose is directly or indirectly related to education and training in medical sciences.
Advise and/or accredit programs related to education based on simulation education.
Advise different organizations, schools and faculties for the development of simulation centers and accredit those that meet the criteria to be considered as such according to the guidelines established by SOMESICS.
Conduct, promote or carry out scientific or technological work, studies or research, jointly or separately with dependencies, both national and foreign, interested in the education and teaching of medical sciences.
Promote and encourage by any means within its reach, the training and improvement of teaching and technical teaching staff, dedicated to the education and teaching of medical sciences.