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SOMESICS Convention Center

SOMESICS Convention Center

SOMESICS 2020 Virtual Congress Program

Wednesday 2  of September 

Virtual Patient Challenge:          9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  playoffs  Nationals                             

OPENING                    4:00 p.m.  

FACE-TO-FACE SESSIONS             4:00 p.m.

Session 1 : Clinical Simulation in Prehospital Medicine

Session 2: Envisioning the insertion of simulation in the syllables based on a model proposal for teacher training in simulation hot topics.

Session 3:  The impact of clinical simulation on the perception of safety in the professional practice of health personnel during the COVID19 pandemic

KEYNOTE CONFERENCE             6:00 p.m.

DUNGEOS &  DRAGONS, The methodology of role-playing games applied to telesimulation and mental simulation. 

Thursday 3  of September 

Virtual Patient Challenge:        9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  playoffs  Nationals                             

Final  National  Virtual  Patient Challenge  12:00 p.m.  

  • Experience in validating checklists to evaluate simulated scenarios.

  • Virtual reality environment for training in the use of fundus eye diagnostic equipment.

  • Implementation of in situ simulation in a highly complex Pediatric Hospital.

  • In Neonatal Resuscitation "there would be if it exists"

  • Mental Simulation: The bridge to critical thinking

  • How to bring the disaster to your table?

  • Communication as a transversal factor in mental simulation from interpretive practice and dramatic reconstruction

  • Mental simulation as a methodology for the development of cognitive skills in nursing students

KEYNOTE CONFERENCE              5:00 p.m.

VIRTUAL PATIENTS: Applications and world experience of the use of this methodology in remote simulation during the global pandemic COVID -19

SPECIAL EVENT                     17:45  hours

Signing of collaboration agreement BODY INTERACT - SOMESICS 

Presentation of benefits for all SOMESICS affiliates and opportunities for  development and works  research  academic 

and technique. 

Invitation from SOMESICS to all Race Directors, administrators and those responsible for a  health educational program that uses simulation, to learn more about this  methodology and the ways in which those responsible for  labs and simulation programs look forward to working with you to achieve the goals of this  methodology.  

We will talk about how the solution does not depend on large economic investments but on successful strategies that have been  had in Mexico and other countries.  

friday 4  of September 

INTERNATIONAL Virtual Patient Challenge           9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  playoffs  for the world championship.         

WORKSHOPS                         2:00 p.m.

Workshop 1: Low cost moulage as an accessible training opportunity in times of COVID-19.

Workshop 2: Low-cost options to implement effective telesimulation activities in the teaching and evaluation of health sciences. 

PRESENTATION OF POSTERS            3:00 p.m.

Captura de Pantalla 2020-09-04 a la(s) 1

The Association of Standardized  Patients for Education (ASPE) an international benchmark for patient methodology  standardized,  It will present the work they have carried out around the world and offer a space to consult this methodology.

SPECIAL EVENT                     17:45  hours

ASPE collaboration agreement signing  - SOMESICS 

Presentation of benefits for all SOMESICS affiliates and opportunities for  development and works  research  academic 

and technique. 

CLOSURE                           18:00  hours

Award ceremony and closing of the 1st  Virtual Congress SOMESICS 2020.

Congreso Virtual SOMESICS 2020

Congreso Virtual SOMESICS 2020

Congreso Virtual SOMESICS 2020
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Simulación Mental

Simulación Mental

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Implementación de la Simulación in Situ en un Hospital de alta complejidad  Miriam Perez SOMESICS

Implementación de la Simulación in Situ en un Hospital de alta complejidad Miriam Perez SOMESICS

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